Conference Proceedings and Publications

The abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.

Online version of the conference proceeding
Printed one please ask in the office of international relations (administrative building).


Several high-quality conference papers will also be selected and considered for publication in the journal Economia Agro-Alimentare / Food Economy that will devote and publish a special issue based on conference papers.

Deadline of submition of full papers is 15th of March 2019 (you have to indicate Special issue “JORDI2018”).
Here you can find the guidlines for authors to prepare full papers.



Guideline to prepare the abstract for proceedings

For readers an abstract is the only source of information about the content of an article and results of the research conveyed by it. An abstract therefore defines the reader’s interest towards the article and possibility of further outreach to the author for the full text, etc.

An abstract should be:

– In English (max 500 words long).
– Informative (free of generalized terms and statements);
– Original with the proper application of terminology;
– Specific (conveying the core content of an article);
– Properly structured (consistent with the research results given in the article).

An abstract should contain:

– The subject, topic and objective of an article (indicated in case if these are not clear from the title);
– Method or methodology of research performed (expected to be described when and if this method or methodology are new and interesting with reference to the article);
– Research results;
– Area of application  of research results;
– Conclusion.


Abstract Format: Pdf A5
Dimensions – 148×210 mm
Orientation – Tall
Margins: Left 20 mm; Right 20 mm; Top 20 mm; Bottom 25 mm
Line spasing – 1.5 lines
Indentation for the first line for each paragraphs – 7 mm
Tilte (12 pt)
Authors with affilations (10 pt)
Body text – 11 pt
Maximum of 5 key words (11 pt)